9/11/01 Then and Now Part 3 of 3 parts
In Part One, we remembered the tragic events of 9/11, realizing how this
changed our national mindset forever. No longer complacent, we realized we were
vulnerable to attacks on our own soil. Then in part two, amidst all the horror,
the American Spirit prevailed, and the good moments were shared. But in the
decade since the attacks, many have condemned Muslims, painting them all as
terrorists. Is this a fair accusation? Who are the terrorists in our country?
Beware: There are Terrorists Among Us!
On September 11, 2001, 19 militants, members of the Islamic extremist group
al-Qaeda, hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against
targets in the United States. They were from Saudi Arabia and several other
Arab nations and financed by Osama bin Laden.
Yes, they certainly did an evil thing, killing more than they even imagined
possible, as they had no idea the buildings would collapse. But it was
intentional, and not the first time this group has attacked the US, even though
not on our soil before.
But it is important to realize that they are EXTREMISTS, meaning, way beyond the usual. Their actions
are not the beliefs of normal followers of Islam. There were members of all
faiths killed that day, including innocent Muslims, in the World Trade Center.
It makes no more sense to blame all Muslims on the actions of these 19 terrorists than it does to blame all Americans
for the actions of James Holmes, the guy that killed 12 and injured 58 more at
the recent Batman movie. If his plans
had worked out, many more would’ve been killed, but his gun locked up and he had
to change guns. His elaborate maze of booby-trapped lines and explosives were
supposed to kill the police that he knew would investigate his apartment. There’s
a good chance the entire building would’ve exploded, killing or injuring
everyone in it.
James Holmes grew up attending the local Presbyterian Church, where his
parents are still active. Do we blame all Christians for his actions? Why not?
Isn’t that what we do to all Muslims since 9/11?
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols
killed 168 adults and children, in Oklahoma City when he set a bomb off in
front of the federal building. I’m still haunted by the pictures of the bloody
children they dug out from the daycare center there.
There have been others, including the bombing during the Atlanta Olympics,
many school shootings, church shootings, and shooting sprees in shopping
centers. People that do these acts are terrorists.
However, since 9/11, the MAJORITY of the terrorist attacks in this country
have been by non-jhadist, non al-Quaeda, non-Muslim people! Sometimes they don’t
have a particular group they identify with, but when they do, some have been
members of white supremists groups.
There are 2.6 million Muslims in the United States Most of them are American
citizens that work, buy houses, own businesses that employ others, and pay
taxes. The majority were born here. They are peaceful and wish that others
realized that the actions of the extremists do not represent them, or their
Recently, there has been a lot of protesting in other countries by Muslims.
Some, members of the same terrorist group that is responsible for 9/11, have
killed some Americans in Libya. But what they don’t show as much on the news is
that there are also Muslim groups that SUPPORT the US, that are mourning the
loss of their friends that were killed.
The same people that discriminate against and hate all Muslims for the
actions of a few, point to the few that are responsible for the killings and
allow it to fuel their biased fire. People like that are the kind of people that
cause many of the problems.
Muslims, world-wide, are reeling at
the vicious video created by an American. They are correct to see it as an
attack on their faith. He portrays Mohammed in vile sex acts – they don’t even
allow pictures of Mohammed, so are completely outraged. His notion of “free speech rights” is no different than yelling, “Fire!” in a
crowded theatre, knowing that it would be inflammatory and incite riots. While
I can’t condone killings, I understand their outrage. It is an awful movie, one that everyone of
faith, including Christians, should be condemning.
Terrorism is a horrible thing, regardless of who does it. Yet, despite the
fact that more terrorism in the US has been done by Non-Muslims since 9/11, Muslims
bear the brunt of the discrimination.
Sadly, many of the people that discriminate the most, claim to be
Christians. Discrimination goes beyond denying access to facilities or clubs.
It also includes not giving someone a fair chance, or spreading the false and
slanderous viewpoints with others. A real Christian, one taught by Jesus Christ
to love everyone, would not do this. If they do, then they aren’t really
Beware of the real terrorists in the country. It just might not be who you
expect it to be!
"9/11/01 Then and Now"
I encourage you to view these:
The Sorry Project - a facebook page created by the people in Benghazi, Libya as they express their
feelings about the loss of their friend, the ambassador The Sorry Project
Libyan Reaction - A report about the arrest of those responsible for the killing of the US
Ambassador and 3 members of this staff,
in continued support of the US. http://www.libyaherald.com/?p=14462