Sunday, February 19, 2012

Another New Beginning

Ah, now I've done it... gone and created a blog and now there's a whole world waiting to hear what "I" think about any little thing. But the pressure is off as I have yet to inform anyone this blog exists and don't have any followers. Of course, if you're reading this... well, then, guess by now I do!  There are various snippets of thoughts from me scattered throughout that vast internet already. I'm going to gather a few of the "about me" types and will post them here just to catch folks up.  Welcome to my Blog by the way.


  1. ... and yes, you do now have followers!

    1. so I do... and look forward to this journey through life, and cyberspace, together!

  2. Hello and good morning! I will follow your blog. I agree every morning is a new start and a gracefully given chance to do the Lords work again. After the recap and confession of our day when we lay our heads on our pillows, it is also a chance to follow Him better than yesterday.

    1. I totally agree!There are many nights when I'd think, "Man, I blew it again" yet the next morning I am always convinced that with God's help, it's going to be a good day. And TOGETHER, with God, it is. I'm so grateful God allows second (and third, and fourth, and ...) chances!

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging! Xo

  4. well, there just needs to be a "like" for comments! Thanks, Kath.


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